In any company, and particularly in industry, the employer’s first responsibility is to ensure the health and safety of their employees. The safety of our staff is our number one priority.
In any company, and particularly in industry, the employer’s first responsibility is to ensure the health and safety of their employees. The safety of our staff is our number one priority.
Our safety policy is based on the premise that “there is no task so urgent and no job so important that it cannot be done safely”.
This policy is supervised by the Health & Safety department and deployed throughout the company.
Despite its maturity in terms of safety, our mill experienced serious accidents in 2020 and 2021, something we never want to experience again!
To achieve this, we have reviewed our safety standards and are working to raise everyone’s awareness.
At the same time, major works have been taking place at our site since 2022, prompting us to redouble our vigilance. We have strengthened our safety team so that it is robust enough to effectively secure all the construction and development works.
Our employees receive regular training on how to identify the risks involved in their activities and, if necessary, to take the necessary measures to correct them or make proposals for improvement.
We always draw up prevention plans with our external service providers to help them identify hazards, make them aware of the risks of working concurrently and check that they have the necessary equipment to work in complete safety.
Our new recruits always receive specific training on our safety standards and rules.
Our mill operates on a continuous flow basis. This means that it runs 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This involves shift work for 44% of our workforce, mainly in production and for certain maintenance roles. They take turns day and night, including weekends.
To support them, we have put measures in place to prevent work becoming too arduous, increased the monitoring of night-shift workers and provided them a recovery technique training. Career adjustments are also planned for shift workers over 57 years old.
We believe that the private and professional spheres complement each other positively. The difficulty and challenge lies in finding the right balance between work and personal life for each of our employees.
This is a difficult balance to strike. It is essentially in the hands of our employees: they are the ones who know their limits and their expectations. But we are also taking initiatives to make their working lives easier: a company restaurant so they don’t have to pack a lunch box, flexible working hours for administrative staff and the option of working from home.
Meanwhile, Norske Skog has had a Charter on the Right to Switch Off in place for many years, which everyone must respect.